Trex Company, Inc. ("Trex") believes in fundamental standards that support our commitment to value and respect our employees, our business partners, our customers, and our communities. We have adopted this Human Rights Policy across all of our operations in order to set forth our values related to working conditions and human rights, and to underscore our philosophy about the way we conduct our business. Trex complies with all applicable national laws and international treaties concerning human rights, social rights, and labour rights, consistent with the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
All employees are responsible for complying with this Policy, which is publicly available on our website and communicated internally to all employees. Management will encourage employees to understand this Policy and applicable laws related to it. Non-compliance, depending upon the circumstances, may result in serious disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Trex seeks to do business with partners - customers, suppliers and contractors - who shares our commitment to human rights.
Trex is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by applicable law. In addition, in particular, Trex recognises the benefits of diversity and inclusion and the need to respect and protect the rights of minority groups.
Trex is committed to treating employees with respect and dignity and providing a workplace free of sexual harassment or other unlawful harassment. We will not tolerate harassment of employees by managers or colleagues. We will also endeavour to protect employees from harassment by non-employees in the workplace. All Trex employees are expected to treat their colleagues, and employees of our customers and suppliers with dignity and respect. Any form of psychological, physical, sexual or verbal abuse or intimidation will not be tolerated. will not be tolerated.
Trex requires compliance with all applicable compensation laws, including those related to minimum wage, working hours, and overtime work. As an equal employment opportunity employer, Trex is committed to providing fair and equitable pay for all of our employees.
Trex will not employ anyone under the age of 16 in any position. Workers under the age of 18 should not perform hazardous work. Where young workers are subject to compulsory education laws, they shall work only outside of school hours and should not work during night hours.
Trex will not allow any labour practices utilising prison, slave, forced, bonded, or indentured labour in our operations and will not engage in any other form of compulsory labour such as human trafficking.
Trex will seek to provide a safe and secure environment for the protection of our employees, products, materials, equipment, systems and information. Trex will provide a safe and healthy work environment that complies with all applicable laws related to health and safety in the workplace. In addition, effective steps shall be taken to prevent health and safety incidents and occupational injury and/or illness. We strive for continuous improvement in our products and processes to minimise waste and protect the environment. We also work with our suppliers to reduce environmental impact across the supply chain. In addition, Trex recognises the right to water as a fundamental human right.
Trex is committed to providing privacy protection of employee data maintained by us. Employee data will be used for the sole purpose of supporting our operations and providing employee benefits. Trex has safeguards in place to ensure personal data is protected from unauthorised access and disclosure, including limiting access to such data only to individuals with a legitimate business purpose.
Trex considers relations with its employees to be good. While we do not believe employees need any third party to stand between them and Trex, we recognise that our employees have the right to choose which, if any, organisations they join.
Trex’s purchasing department is responsible for ensuring that purchases are made from sources that operate with ethical and responsible business practices. We conduct supply chain assessments when considered necessary in relation to the significance of the purchase and business opportunity. Assessments include in-person reviews and tours of operating facilities, and cover supplier quality, labour practices, compliance with government regulations, and safety.
Trex strives to create workplaces in which open and honest communications among all employees are valued and respected. We are committed to comply with applicable labour and employment laws wherever we operate. We also ensure employees are aware of this Policy through training. Any employee who has questions about this Policy or would like to confidentially report a potential violation of this Policy, should raise those questions and concerns with local management, Human Resources, or the Legal Department. Employees can also report suspected Policy violations through the Trex Governance Hotline (800-719-4916). No reprisal or retaliatory action will be taken against any employee for raising concerns under this Policy. Trex will investigate, address and respond to the concerns of employees and will take appropriate corrective action in response to any violation. This Policy is aligned with the Trex Company Code of Conduct and Ethics.
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